Legals & Privacy

Rules relating to our Website are set out below

Amendments to our terms

We reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions shown on our website at any time. The amended terms will be effective from the date they are posted on our website.

Website Content

We have made every effort to make sure the information contained in this website is accurate and up-to-date. However, we can accept no liability for any errors or omissions. We reserve the right to add, amend or delete information at any time.

We can give no warranty (and accept no liability) that this site and its content are free from viruses or anything else that has such contaminating or destructive properties.


  • Any private individual may print off a copy of any part of this material for their own personal use, subject to the following conditions:
  • the material may not be used for any commercial purposes;
  • the copy must retain any copyright or other intellectual property notices contained in the original material;
  • images on this Web Site may be protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the written permission of their respective owner(s);
  • no logos, trade marks or service marks appearing on the site may be printed off copied, or used in any way, except as part of the text of which they form part.

Privacy Policy

We will not give any information you provide about yourself to any third parties unless we have to do so in the ordinary course of our business relationship with you (for example, in conducting Credit Reference Searches) or to administer this Website or are compelled to do so by Law. We are aware of and we will comply with our obligations under current data protection legislation in the UK. If you have any questions about our use of your personal details then please contact us at